Praise the Lord!
From the depth of my heart, thank you for showing care for our precious orphans and staff in the name Jesus, whom we love with all our being. My spirit is deeply moved by the way you have stood with us through thick and thin over the recent months and even years. For that, I thank you with all my heart. I know the Lord of Glory will reward you again and again for your love and sacrificial giving toward these little ones.
Our schoolyard including the red-roofed church, one of the metal-roofed classrooms, and the Kenyan flag in the middle
Let me share with you how your support (be it prayer, financial, or volunteer work) has sustained us in the following areas: orphans, crops, students, teachers and staff, pastors’ fellowship and evangelism efforts. Rejoice with me over God’s provision, and pray with me for immediate needs and sustainability dreams.
Our Orphans
Our orphans are very happy! For the first time in twelve years, our orphans have maintained a well-balanced diet for four consecutive months. In 2014, four of our orphans were malnourished. Typically, meals consisted of black tea for breakfast, porridge for lunch, and corn and kale for dinner. Now, through your support this year, our orphans’ meals are more nourishing because the meals now include enriched porridge, rice, and proteins such as small sundried fish, eggs, beans, and even meat or chicken once a week.
As a result, the health of our orphans has significantly improved. In the past, two to five orphans were sick at any given time, whereas currently, one orphan is ill. (It is likely due to malaria since it is malaria season in our community.)
Our Crops
To increase food security, CCMI now grows bananas, cassava, maize, beans, ground nuts and vegetables. Thanks to the generous donations of our sponsors, CCMI has been able purchase 2 ½ acres of land. Our farm has been possible due to your support and the dedication of our staff.
We also have some livestock including a cow, goat, chicken, and rooster.
These jerricans (yellow buckets) are part of our simple irrigation system improvised by our orphans and staff
Some of the crops we grow include cow peas, kale, bananas, cassava, and maize (corn)
Our Students
Over 250 orphaned and needy kids in the CCMI community of Migori County in Kenya have had uninterrupted studies at our academy because teachers have been paid on time. Education is essential to empowering these children to rise out of poverty.
This year we have the highest number of orphans in high school at the same time. For the first time, the high schools have trusted our ability to pay tuition, room, and board. Through God’s grace and your partnership, CCMI has kept all of the high school orphans in school. Praise God! We continue to trust God for additional school fees due by September.
Below are the 8 high school students that we are paying tuition for in 2016 (from left to right):
- Form 1 students (freshmen): Duncan, Jacob, Faraja, Hesbon, James, and Belinda
- Form 2 student (sophomore): Alvin
- Form 3 student (junior): Jenipher
Our Teachers and Staff
CCMI has full-time, paid staff members to care for our orphans, teach our students, and maintain our farmland. This is only possible through your support! The CCMI Children’s Home and Rehabilitation Center (orphanage) has four paid workers – two care givers, one farm worker, and one cook. The CCMI Academy has eleven paid teachers and administrative staff who are devoted to seeing our students succeed. Although they earn a humble salary, the teachers and staff are encouraged because they are paid regularly, allowing them to financially support their families. CCMI also has three full-time volunteers, who continue to make these projects a reality.
Moses, our science teacher, standing in front of the staffroom, where the administrative staff work and the teachers keep their supplies
Our Pastors’ Fellowship
I continue to meet pastors in this community and neighboring areas to train them. Our Bible training classes for pastors are Saturday mornings, and marital classes are taught by my wife Lilian on Thursdays. We also hold topical trainings for pastors three to four consecutive days every month.
One of our pastors’ fellowship trainings
We need a lot of assistance in terms of Bibles, lunches, and building facilities. Sadly, the Muslim community in Migori has taken away most of the trained pastors to Islamic colleges in the Middle East where they are trained and return as Islamic teachers. An increasing number of cults have also come from the West and taken over most churches here. Most people are drawn to these other religions because they promise to meet physical needs in the midst of these poverty situations.
As for me, my commitment to preach the gospel and take care of the less privileged in this community is for life. The pastors in our committee and I are steadfast. We will serve God all the days of our lives. We know that nothing will separate us from the love of God.
Our Evangelism Efforts
In 2016, our evangelism has focused on the next generation—the children and youth. By training young Kenyans for Christ, we can impact all areas of Kenyan society (political, medical, construction, journalism, education, etc.) As future leaders in our society, these students can inspire Kenya to be better through the love of Jesus Christ.
Sunday school performing praise dance
Soccer is one way we evangelize to young people in our community. We have one women’s team and two men’s teams who evangelize to other young soccer lovers. Our goal is to see people who are united for soccer united in Christ.
Young women’s soccer team
Through the gifts and prayers of CCMI partners and friends, we are reaching the lost and the hurting in this community with the life-saving gospel of Jesus Christ as we provide shelter, food, and education to the needy and the orphaned.
Please pray that the Lord will keep me safe and that His name and only His name will be glorified in this community.
In Christ,
Mr. & Mrs. Wicklife Omendah